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Description of |DWaRFX| v2.0 MUI GUI buttons.
A set of RedDwarf Intergrated AmIRC Arexx
scripts with a MUI GUI by Gareth Murfin
Here I will describe the function of each of the
|DWaRFx| buttons visible in the MUI GUI. They all
require a simple mouse click and perform amazing
functions. I seriously recommend that you print
this text and put it next to your Amiga for
reference until you have learned what all the
buttons do.
AWaY - Sets you away from keyboard
with funny quote.
BaCK - Sets you back to the keyboard
with funny quote.
QUiT - Quits AmIRC with funny quote.
TaLK - ReRoutes all text in AmIRC through
the C= Say command (audio)
BoMb - Innitiates a channel destoying bomb.
MkB - Performs a Mass Kick & Ban
RKiCK - Picks from one of 22 kicks and
kicks selected user.
MDeOP - Mass DeOPs entire channel
MBaN - Mass Bans entire channel
MKiCK - Mass Kicks entire channel
SKiCK - Sets 60 sec speakkick on the
selected user.
MiNV - Mass invites channel to specified
channel (edit DWaRFMiNVITE.AmIRX
to change channel - default #AmIRC)
MiNV - Same as above but with 15sec delay
between each invite.
MoP - Mass Ops entire Channel
MvOIce - Mass Voice's entire channel.
Mmsg - Mass messages entire channel
(edit DWaRFMmSG.AmIRX to change
message - default Join #AmIRC)
QSkick - sets 10 second speak kick on user
SSkick - sets 100000 sec speak kick on user
2Quit - Quits AmIRC with reason 'looking
for fresh challenge (edit DWaRFQUiT
.AmIRX script to change)
RaWaY - Picks from 5 random away messages and
sets you away with them.
RBaCK - Picks from 5 random back messages and
sets you back with them.
AWaY-? - Use the slider to select from 1 of 5
away messages & you will be set away.
BaCk-? - Use the slider to select from 1 of 5
back messages & you will be set back.
Kick-? - Use the slider to select from 1 of 22
different kicks to kick the selected
Scale-? - Use the slider to select from 1 of 10
levels on the scale to 'Judge' the
selected user. 1 = good 10 = bad
__By Gaz Murfin__
Of_GazSting - Perfroms a /whois on Gaz resulting in a
description of him (if he is on line)
GazOP - Ops Gaz if he is in your channel.
VeRS - Performs an action telling all channel users
that you are using :-
|DWaRFx| v2.0 ßeta MUI GUI version.
N0Te: If you want anything made easier or changed, or
included email me at: gazy@globalnet.co.uk
CoMiNg SøøN :- RaNdoM DwARf INsuLTeR SCrIpT!